Fitness, Self-care, Skincare

Ten Rituals and Routines for Balanced Living

balancing mind, body, and spirit with positive routines and rituals

Healthy rituals and routines can be an important way to promote a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle. Although rituals may often have a religious connotation, I’m thinking of rituals more as routine actions that foster mental and spiritual wellness.

1. Meditation

You might have known this was coming. I still consider myself to be pretty new to meditation and I’ve been meditating consistently for about a year. I’m not here to give you any advice, but just know that there is no wrong way to start meditating. My only suggestion would be to start with a short time period (maybe 10 minutes) and work your way up as desired. Make yourself comfortable. And keep up your practice. The benefits are not immediate, this is a long game.

2. Exercise

Again, you may have guessed that exercise would be on this list. You don’t need me to tell you all the health benefits of daily or consistent exercise. Personally, I find exercise to be almost like meditation. While I’m working out, my mind is able to rest, and I can put aside most of the thoughts I have throughout the day. I can focus on my body and my breath. Personally, I love barre; it’s accessible for many people and I can genuinely feel the results in my body. Sometimes I struggle to keep up a good workout routine, but I truly notice a difference when I do. My mind is calmer, I feel stronger, and more confident.

3. Skincare

Or other personal care. For me, skincare is a hobby and a slight obsession. But I also see it as an important part of my self-care. Applying my different products is like a calming ritual, that beckons in the beginning or the end of the day. It makes me feel like I’m taking care of myself and has definitely improved my self-esteem to the point where I don’t feel the need to wear makeup as often anymore. However, at its core, skincare is still about beauty. It’s a self-indulgence (which I love) and cannot be the only part of your self-care.

4. Breakfast

I love breakfast. It is my favorite meal of the day and I don’t understand how people skip it. However, even if you’re not a breakfast lover like me, I highly recommend making breakfast a part of your routine. Breakfast time is my period of calm before the day begins. It provides the energy I’ll need for the rest of the day, and eating a filling and nutritious breakfast will prevent me from making unhealthy decisions.

5. Tea” time

Or coffee time or whatever-hot-beverage-of-your-choosing time. Sometimes it is nice to take a moment to do nothing but sit and enjoy the simple please of a hot beverage. Savor the aroma, the taste, the warmth. Reflect on the little things that bring you joy and try not to distract yourself with anything else. Be mindful. I know I’m guilty of fiddling with my phone or whatnot while I sip my coffee or tea. But there is something so relaxing and peaceful about simply focusing on one little joyful thing.

6. Yoga

For some, yoga may fall into the exercise category, for others it may fall under meditation. It depends on your personal practice. For me, it can fluctuate. I don’t do yoga every day, but I do aspire to either meditate or practice yoga each day. Although that doesn’t always happen… But I truly love yoga. It helps to relive stiffness or soreness in my body. It makes me feel graceful, peaceful, and it calms my mind. Whether you practice at home or in a studio, a daily yoga session can do wonders to balance to body and mind.

7. Art

This is a new habit for me and something I am trying to incorporate more of in my life. This summer, I set a goal for myself to do some form of art each day –music, painting, design, etc. I have not been able to stick with it since I started my new job. However, I have found art to be an excellent release for my mind a wonderful form of self-expression. What you consider to be art is up to you, and I urge to try some new artistic forms this year. You never know what you might love!

8. Going outdoors

Sunlight. Is. Essential. Seriously. I never used to think that I was affected by the seasons or a lack of sunlight. Then I moved into a dark apartment with only one window and rarely went outside. This. Was. A. Mistake. I noticed I began feeling depressed and not like myself. Try to get yourself outside every single day, especially when the sun is out. Enjoy the outdoors! Get some light. Now that I walk to work, I spend at least an hour outside every day. It makes a huge difference on your mood, not to mention that you need that Vitamin D. Just don’t forget sunscreen!

9. Gratitude

Gratitude is a part of my personal meditation practice. I begin by thinking over all the things that I am grateful for. I find that this puts my in a positive mindset and calms my thoughts so that I can begin to clear my mind. If you are struggling with meditation, I would recommend that you try this! Regardless, I highly recommend taking a few minutes out of your day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. Say it, write it, or just think it. It can be so easy to forget sometimes, and this lovely, simply ritual can really help to shift your mind to a more positive place.

10. Bedtime

Sleep is my life, and I legitimately love it so much. I am guilty of occasionally taking extremely long naps. I do not recommend this. However, I do recommend a consistent bedtime routine and plenty of sleep! A consistent bedtime and a consistent routine will signal to your body that it is time to go to sleep. Not to mention, bedtime is awesome. Putting on cozy pajamas, taking a hot shower, doing my skincare routine, climbing into a warm bed… Make your bedtime a ritual and improve your sleep!

Which rituals and routines do you already practice? Which ones would you like to start?